Dave’s back on his blog bullshit

There is a login magazine-shaped hole in my heart. Having written the “monitoring” column for that magazine for a span of time so vast, that not only has the term “monitoring” become passé, but the very notion of a magazine about computer science has lost its place in the world, I find myself in the wake of login’s “evolution”, feeling out of touch and lonely. Bereft, not only of a therapudic outlet for my nagging inner-voice, but also of a cherished lens I relied upon to understand the world.

If you ever read the column you’ll know that of the 2000 words alotted to me, it was a rare issue where I managed to dedicate more than 800 to the subject of monitoring, but no one seemed to mind, and some, I know even enjoyed my meandering. Over the years I remember often feeling put-upon by the column, when my own, invariable lack of planning would result in a lost weekend of break-neck research and writing. But now I realize how much I enjoyed the priveledge and, I don’t know, zen-esque clarity that came as a side-effect of putting the real world aside for an hour or five to, ya know, write something of substance.

And so, here we are.

No promises or anything, I’ll probably wander off and forget I wrote this and committed it by tomorrow morning, but if I don’t, I’ll hopefully find some space in my life to sit down and document computer things I learn, rant about my stupid truck, and share some pictures of my dog. Or just, ya know, write for the pleasure of it.

You’re welcome to come along, I can promise that I won’t get (too) political, or ever ask you to like and subscribe, and I’m far too lazy to set a cookie in your browser to sell you soap, so if you like Computer related crap and maybe Toyota LandCruisers, hop on in.

Till next time -dave